Return on Investment

It is impossible to exactly calculate the extent to which the money you’ve spent on security has been worthwhile. Maybe your security measures prevented business-crippling incidents. Or maybe nothing would have happened anyway. Because of the difficulty in precisely measuring the value of security, it’s still common for senior management to perceive security as a cost center, and when times are tight, security budgets are often placed on the chopping block. This fact has long presented an obstacle to adequate and consistent spending on security services and projects.
A security operation cannot reach its maximum influence, efficiency, or effectiveness unless its value is recognized. Unfortunately, while many forward-facing companies now see the competitive advantage to a proactive security strategy, many company security representatives still report that company management fails to properly recognize security’s strategic value. Even at billion-dollar companies, adequate appreciation for security is hit-and-miss, and failure to appreciate security is the norm in many industries. The unfortunate fact is that the importance of security often rises and falls alongside management’s perception of the threat environment.
But security is too mission critical for this to persist. You can’t successfully operate a business without a sufficiently safe and secure environment and, in addition to preventing costly and disrupting events, effective security benefits companies in countless ways.
The actual impact can be significant, with those investors estimating an average decrease in stock price of 29% in the wake of a significant internal or external security incident in the last 12 months. — 2023 World Security Report, survey of 200 global institutional investors